America’s billion-dollar entrepreneurs used two ways to succeed:
- 6% focused on opportunity, got VC, and succeeded. They only kept about 7% of the wealth created.
- 95% focused on their skills, delayed (18% of billion-dollar entrepreneurs) or avoided VC (76%), and succeeded. They kept 16% of the wealth if they delayed, and 52% if they avoided.
These videos focus on the skills and strategies used by skills-focused entrepreneurs to take-off without VC and control their venture and the wealth created. Learn about their skills and strategies–and apply to your own venture.
Unicorn Entrepreneurship: Intro to 4 Steps
This video introduces entrepreneurs to the 4 key steps used by more than 100 of America’s unicorn entrepreneurs to grow from idea to take-off.
Unicorn Entrepreneurship: Intro to 2 Models
Contrary to the media hype, venture capital is not the only media to build a unicorn, Learn the alternative.
Unicorn Entrepreneurship: Why It Is 16x Better Than Venture Capital
This video discusses how unicorn entrepreneurs grew from idea to take-off.
Unicorn Entrepreneurship: The Trend and Innovations that Boosted
Learn how Jeff Bezos found his opportunity to start and build one of the world’s great businesses.
Unicorn-Entrepreneurship: The Opportunity That Positioned Netflix
Reed Hastings is a Unicorn Entrepreneur who built Netflix into a giant. How did he find his opportunity?
Unicorn-Entrepreneurship or VC: The 8 Myths about Venture Capital
There are many myths about venture capital, which can make it hard for entrepreneurs to know if the VC Capital-Intensive model is right for them. This video lists some of the key myths and the reality. If you are planning to grow and wondering whether or not to seek VC, this video is for you.